Monday, September 5, 2011

Koh Phi Phi

Ahh Bliss, absolute Bliss,.

After our adventures in Bangkok this is absolute heaven. We took a very rough boat ride from Krabi over to Koh Phi Phi and checked into our deluxe bungolow. We were in love, hammock outside, pool and our own place to call home for a few days. It felt so good to get our bags off and just settle our feet into some ground for a decent amount of time. We didnt know how long we were going to stay at this point, maybe 3 days or so and move on.

Our first night we met Will '' The machine/ the Wizard'' who was staying in a room around ours and Tom excitedly dragged us to an English bar in hopes of seeing West Ham against Nottingham Forest which to his dissapointment they couldnt get.

Oh yes, IT WAS POURING RAIN when we arrived. I guess that is what we get for coming in the middle of Monsoon season, I dont think I have ever seen rain like it.

We stayed in and witnessed the amazing photgraphy skills of Will and we were entertained for hours drawing pictures of stick men and houses with a flashlight when the camera was on a very slow shutter speed.

The rain quickly subsided and the next day it was beautiful. The sun had totally transformed the Island, water as blue as blue can be, long beaches on all sides, beach bars, long boats, sand and what would soon to be some great friends.

We met Jack, Kulvin and James playing frisbee and as the tide was going out we headed to another beach which the tide was heading out there as well so we ended up sitting in the much in which should have been the middle of the sea.

That night we hiked up to viewpoint number 3 ( let me tell you I barely made 1) and James doing it SHOELESS!! We were all going up for what would be a beautiful romantic sunset- Me and the 5 boys. It was wonderful except the trek back after a few cheeky Chang's through a pitch black jungle with no torch and a million paths. Luckily we made it down and headed on to the Stones bar which would become our second home for the next 7 days.

We then went out to dinner in the back of the market, a place where not alot of tourists will go and had amazing Pad Thai, it was run by Samee Soda the man who survived the .9 Tsunami and he had sad down to tell us all about his experience December 26 2004.

We were in awe, he had taught us no matter what happens the best thing to do is dust the sand from your ears, heal your wounds and get back on your feet, which is what he did and is now quite a successful resteraunt owner.

I don't think since being here I have ever been so relaxed, to do nothing yet do everything is the most wonderful thing.

We everyday were at Stones bar except for our Kayak renting experience when we took out 3 double kayaks and made our way out into the big ol ocean to find monkey beach. We arrived with James and Will the wizard still trying to get their rhythem. Haha. We went for a swim in the sea to see a massive school of fish which were swimming in a big swarm and another large fish trying to eat them. We turned around to our amazement a wild monkey sitting on our Kayak and drinking our water. Cheeky bugger, and then there were loads. Just strolling their beach inspecting us strangers who dared to tresspass.
It was an amazing sight to see.

We then took off back towards the bay which seemed to be a struggle and we were in the middle of the deep DARK blue ocean thinking about sharks and scary things underneath us. We got to some clearer water a little outside of our bay and decided to tie our kayaks together and just lounge. We had a few laughs and couldnt get our kayaks untied so Kulvin and Jack on the left and Tom I on the right made attempts to get us moving back to shore ( took us a a few hours)

In Koh Phi Phi they sell you alcohol in sand buckets, you can buy them from a street vendor for 120 baht for the cheapest rum/ whisky/ mixed spirit and you get redbull and a coke, (they sell Vodka and more but quite an expense) all in one bucket that one would make a sandcastle with.

We have been to the reggae bar twice which is a popular place where the undefeated Jack and Tom wagered 100 Baht on a game of pool against two Canadian's and WON!!!!! They also have Muay Thai which you can volunteer and get a free bucket which we all highly considered.

These buckets did us well on all occasions we had them and ususally would end up in bed before midnight, except Will's last night in which he was the only one.

We had made will a Wizard stick- we drank cans of Chang and used all our surgical first aid tape to tape them togeteher to make him a staff he needed to carry around. It was great, such a good laugh, we once again went to the reggae bar with our buckets and Will and his wizard stick to play pool and watch the muay Thai when Will's stick went missing- the deal was for every can that was missing he had to drink double which led to him downing his bucket, and Jack, Kolvin, Tom and I all turned around for two seconds and Will was sleeping on the bench, bless him.
Taking him home was exciting with Tom and Kolvin carrying Will who was deadweight. Jack and I followed closely behind but somehow got stuck at the bottom of our hill as Jack fell off the deck sideways taking plants with him and all, fell straight into a bush.

The next day we went on a tour of the islands which started off with snorkeling at Mosquito Island( Not a nice name for a tourist attraction) here we saw loads of 'Nemo' and rainbow fish it was beautiful.

We then went snorkeling at SHARK point but we were unlucky and didnt spot any ( Or really lucky) although other people on the boat had.

We also went to MAYA BAY, the filming spot if the film the beach. It sparked many conversations about Leonardo DiCaprio and even Will Smith- Great Genes. It was stunning, just as in the film which we then carried onto the banana rooftop bar to watch the film.

The banana bar with cushions all over the floor and the only place with a roof terrace. Was a great place to chill and opne of our faves.

Phi Phi has been amazing, the longest time we had stayed in one place so far and it was longer than expected because of the wonderful people.

Our next plan was to leave Phi Phi but were not sure where to go, other then the full moon party on Koh Phangan on the 12th we have no plans so we said goodbye to James( one day early as he had to go back home to work) and Will and Kolvin, Jack, Tom and I headed for Railay (their second time and our first).

The next part of our adventure begins.

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